Brand elements are unique features that help your business to create a lasting perception in your audience. They are critically essential to a brand, with each element serving its own purpose. Let’s have a look at them.

Types of business brand identity elements

Brand name

This is a word or a phrase that your clients use to differentiate your products/services from others. It should be easy to pronounce and memorise by clients.


A logo is a symbol that is represents your business on almost all your visual brand identity components. It is the most seen element of your business. A business logo helps your clients to identify your products/services in the market.

Brand personality

This is a combination of your brand’s voice and tone. It is your business business’ representation in human nature. If your business were to be a human being, which character would it reflect? Is it being funny, too serious, professional, trustworthy, and humble? Brand personality helps your business to define the mode of communication with your audience.


This refers to the fonts used on communication and advertising materials. It is advisable that your business uses consistent fonts and makes them familiar to the audience. Find a set of fonts that will remain consistent in your communication channels.

Colour palette

Colours trigger emotions and add meaning to the message. They communicate values that your brand may be proud of. Consistent use of a specific set of colours will keep your business memorable in your audience. To find a suitable colour palette, check Canva

Colour palette Digtech Solutions Hub Branding in Mbarara Uganda
Brand colour palette example


This is a catchphrase that is associated with your business. It can communicate your services, mission or values. When consistently used, a slogan/tagline makes your business memorable.


While communicating using images, keep the image dimensions and sizes constant, maintain the same filter, and remember to always include your logo.

If all the above elements are considered and implemented, you are sure that your brand will be more visible in 2023. For any assistance or more information, click here to contact us.